Thursday, July 26, 2012

What is "Wonderful" About THIS Sidewalk?

I received this email yesterday. My reply follows after it.
Begin forwarded message:

From: Hannelore Barnes
Date: July 25, 2012 12:27:48 PM PDT
To: HV 94941 <>
Cc: 71 people
Subject: Request to be removed from 94941 email list serve


Please remove my address from your email list.
While I am pleased to see problem areas like the Ethel corner and the Volunteer Park areas being addressed, revisions are to be expected and have in no way changed my opinion that the sidewalk is a wonderful thing for the neighborhood.  With the exception of 5 people, everyone I personally know in HV is elated to see it installed and working its way up the street.  And the proof is how many people, especially non MHS people, are using it who I have never seen walking on Evergreen before it was installed.
I think you would far better serve your community by focusing your energy on the Miller Streetscape project now and the effects it will have on all ingress and egress points to HV from Miller.

Thank you, Hanne

My response :

I wanted to respond immediately, but instead, chose to give it some thought and write you this open letter instead, because I didn't want to abuse the email list.
That is why I started the blog - to stop the spam.

I agree with you that this whole sidewalk issue is a "wonderful thing for the neighborhood."
Here's why:
It has made me realize just how difficult it is to get anything done in government and what the DPW has to deal with on a daily basis.
I understand why people try to circumvent proper process.
I don't agree with it, but I understand it.
I am very grateful that we all have this opportunity to learn.
Here is why I object to the actual concrete sidewalk :
I understand that some change is needed in Homestead, but I don't believe the needed change is forcing that slab onto property owners who don't want it, especially if it will hurt sensitive creek habitat and cause problems flooding problems for our neighbors near the creek and further downstream.

The change needed in Homestead is the way our community is represented to the County.
I believe that there is a better solution for Evergreen, which is why I flew to Portland to learn about green streets and the community built process.

 "With the exception of 5 people, everyone I personally know in HV is elated to see it installed and working its way up the street."

Who have you been been talking to?
I can't find anyone (except for 5 people) in this neighborhood who is "elated" about THIS sidewalk. If anything -  they are elated about drainage improvements and getting the road paved. It appears to me that the folks who supported the "idea" of a sidewalk before it was built - had no idea what was in store.

Please allow me to restate that never once has anyone who has opposed this project protested anyone's desires to have a safe route to travel along Evergreen. - Sure, some people will use THIS sidewalk after it's done - but is its beneft worth the expense and harm to others?
Is it so wrong to expect that County will be able to serve our community by fixing drainage and paving the road - or if needed, providing an at grade path that fits our neighborhood?

Truth of the matter is, anyone who has been vocal in opposing THIS particular sidewalk - has been trying to clean up the mess created by a lack of communication from that school you love so much - and the lack of communication to the community from the HVCA. There is a lot more going on at the Community Center than potlucks and pool parties! I don't mean to vilify anyone - but people need to admit their mistakes - not continue to lobby against their neighbors for their own convenience!

Isn't it time you and your school - and the very vocal MINORITY of people who still support this concrete slab - stop trying to force it on the people who have stated repeatedly that they do not want it? Don't you think it's time you minded your own business and let the DPW finish their PROCESS?

The growing opposition, as evidenced by the 208 petition signatures will continue to protest is:
a) the lack of fair process that excluded community input which resulted in an inappropriate design and
b) the use of Safe Routes to Schools funding awarded to an application that contained false and misleading information. 

What we see as a result of this lack of process is - construction of a raised, impervious concrete sidewalk with curbs and gutters that does not fit this neighborhood, will dump more polluted water into a creek that contains endangered species -  and is causing the DPW engineering department a great amount of staff time and expense as they try to jam it onto a street that has never needed a concrete sidewalk before funding became available for a sidewalk. 

"And the proof is how many people, especially non MHS people, are using it who I have never seen walking on Evergreen before it was installed."

We get back to the original reason for objection - the fact that if it IS used, it will not really serve its intended purpose: a Safe Routes to Schools.

Therefore, WHY use Safe Routes to Schools funding?

I understand that some folks like "the idea" of a sidewalk.
What exactly do you like about it?
That there is more room to walk on the side of the road?
That it is separated from traffic?
Where did you think we needed a sidewalk?
On the curve?
All the way to the school?
On the South side?
On the North side?
Honestly, I'm not trying to be difficult here - I just want to know.

Is it ethical - or even a good business decision at this point - to continue to force an impervious concrete slab along along the entire street and alter the character of the neighborhood - inflict flooding problems upon people - using funding acquired on false pretenses?? 
In the end, the funds spent to try to cram this concrete sidewalk and deal with the aftermath - flooding, civil action lawsuits against the County and the school, Clean Water Act violations, may exceed the funds received. 
Honesty - I can't figure it out  - What is "wonderful" about THIS sidewalk? Comment on HEAR US (LINK)