Evergreen Avenue SR2S mentioned on local blogs:
HEAR US : feedback to "regrets, I have a few" :
Sands Box : Evergreen property owner (and one of the few vocal residents who supported the sidewalk project) Dylan Simonds asks Charles Sands to "take a moment" - scroll down to see the entire thread : http://thesandsbox.blogspot.com/2012/07/fwd-charles-take-moment.html
-----Original Message-----
From: Dylan Simonds
To: Charles Sands ; hv94941 ; Dylan Simonds
Sent: Mon, Jul 16, 2012 10:38 pm
Subject: Charles, take a moment...
to consider how out of control this "dialogue" has gotten. Seriously, please think about what you're doing, and to whom. You don't know the first thing about me, yet you direct hateful emails at me and a host of other community members whom you've identified and characterized not simply as supporters of the sidewalk project, but as vile enemies of Homestead Valley. You seem to not even discriminate between pro-sidewalk and anti-sidewalk, when you expend your venom. Your just equitable with your hate, I suppose.
For many months, I endured your constant barrage of incoherent and psychotic emails, before I finally (and on more than one occasion) asked you politely to remove me from your distribution list. Although you first agreed to accommodate my request, I continued to receive your regular correspondence, and I know that the same is true for quite a few other Homesteaders, who just want you to leave them alone. However, now that you have decided to openly deride me before your "readership" as a person undeserving of respect and with apparent affinities for your mortal enemies at MHS, I can no longer abide your foolish, immature, and spiteful BS. Take me off of your distribution list, right now, Charles, and cease your beligerent hate mongering.
If you ever really cared about engaging in discourse that could have a meaningful, positive impact on your beloved Valley, (GUESS IT'S NOT YOURS) you should have approached this process with courtesy, maturity, and open eyes, ears, and mind But, it's clear to me and many, many others that you don't truly care about your neighborhood at all. If you did, you'd treat me with the respect due due anyone, irrespective of their point of view. After all, neighborhoods are comprised of people, and being kind to people is the, well, neighborly thing to do.
By the way, I've never replied to your emails as an anonymous sender, and I don't even know how I would do that. It's also worth pointing out that I sent my most recent note to you out of disgust for the way in which you disparaged Mari, stating that she is, in your own thoughtfully chosen words, "either a naive communty organizer, a self-centered egoist using a neighborhood disaster for readership purposes to start-up your Hearus Blog or just plain dumb." You probably know as well as I do that that kind of language does not belong in discourse between neighbors, and it certainly serves no other purpose than to antagonize and patronize. Frankly, given the amount of time, energy, and anger you have dedicated to this epic, months-long rant, I actually wish that I knew you well enough (at all) to have talked with you about these issues in person, neighbor to neighbor. You deserve to have an ear lent to you as much as anyone, but the project and the dialogue are effectively at an end, and I respectfully ask that you observe common decency by leaving me (and anyone else who similarly pleads for peace) alone.
Dylan Simonds
P.S.- In half-full disclosure, I thought I'd let you know that I have BCCd several of my Homestead Valley friends on this email in order to share my perspective with them. Since you seem to enjoy sharing your own opinions with lots of anonymous email recipients, I figured that you would understand. If they care to weigh in, they'll know how to reach you.
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