Safe Routes Application

- SR2S application contained FALSE and MISLEADING information : In addition to letters of support from people who had no legal right to represent Homestead's Evergreen residents and property owners, the application contained data from a minor incident in Mill Valley, near Whole Foods (where sidewalks and crosswalks exist ) to justify building a sidewalk all along Evergreen in Homestead from mid block after Whole Foods - to Marin Horizon School.

HEAR US requested many times that the County not accept the Safe Routes funding, because it was awarded to an application that contained false and misleading information.
Many residents feel this "planning" issue (road maintenance and storm sewer upgrades) could and should be funded by Marin County.

DOWNLOAD the SR2S application here : (LINK

Prior to the concrete  sidewalk construction, Evergreen in Homestead Valley, had natural paths that slowly filtered rain water on both sides of the street - and a "SHARE the ROAD" use pattern.
Without a sidewalk separated from the road - pedestrians are in view of drivers.
When drivers SEE pedestrians, they slow down.
Striped lanes do not make a road safer - they give a false sense of security - and "ownership" of space. Therefore, they tend to increase speed.

Change from the (now previous) "share the road" use pattern has the potential to create an unsafe environment for bicyclists and others in the road.

Prior to construction of the concrete sidewalk, Evergreen Avenue WAS a COMPLETE street, used by all modes of motorized and non-motorized transportation  - and it had a 100% safety record.

Since the construction project, we have noted an increase in speed on the street and THREE accidents  have occurred. Update from 8/20 : (LINK)

Many residents stated concerns with the SR2S/County design, which narrows the usable "shared road space" for everyone who uses Evergreen, especially in the blind curve and the block between Scott and Melrose.

Since July 2010, we have collected information and input from residents and made many recommendations to the County - for an alternative design that preserves our neighborhood's semi-rural character while preserving the characteristics that contribute to its 100% safety record - keeping pedestrians visible to drivers - i.e., not hiding them behind parked cars.

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