Thanks to everyone who demonstrated support for Evergreen residents/property owners who did not want the concrete slab forced onto Evergreen.
Unfortunately, our requests were not heeded, and money won.

 It appears the County had invested to much time and $ in the sidewalk that was requested by Marin Horizon School and designed without our knowledge, before the grant applications were submitted for SR2S funding.

Comments from the petition

Do you wonder WHY Marin County - which had a BUDGET SURPLUS of 14 million dollars - is taking $900,000 from Safe Routes to Schools, to force an impervious slab of concrete all along Evergreen Avenue ??
- Did you know that $900,000 can fund more than 13,000 full day crossing guard shifts?
- Homestead residents have been walking, jogging, bicycling, etc. - without incident - all along Evergreen for years and stated repeatedly - for TWO YEARS - that we did not WANT THIS impervious concrete sidewalk
- 2012 was the 40th anniversary of the Clean Water Act - 

Now that the impervious concrete sidewalk has been built, Evergreen has lost natural paths that filter storm water. The street has been regraded to fit the concrete sidewalk, and now, by conservative estimation, over one million gallons per year of unfiltered storm water runoff will enter Reed Creek, a blue line (year round) creek that was documented (6/7/2012) as habitat for federally protected Steel head trout.

Residents who opposed this construction asked the following questions, among others :

Why was this project exempted from EIR, as required by CEQA?

Why pollute our creek, cut down our trees and RUIN the unique character of our historic neighborhood?

Why force a slab, when a path will do?

 CLICK HERE to see one residents' alternative proposal, which was compiled from information submitted by residents since July 2010.

Click here to see one of many of Charles Sands' suggested permeable pathways, preceded by Frank Lurz comment.

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