- 2012 is the 40th anniversary of the Clean Water Act - If the impervious sidewalk is built, Evergreen will lose natural paths that filter
water and over one million gallons per year of unfiltered storm water
runoff will enter Reed Creek, a blue line creek that contains federally protected Steel head!
Way to go, Marin County!
Why pollute our creek, cut down our trees and RUIN the unique character of our historic neighborhood?
Do you wonder WHY Marin County - which has a BUDGET SURPLUS of 14
dollars - is taking $900,000 from Safe Routes to Schools, to force an
impervious slab of concrete all along Evergreen Avenue ??
- Did you know that $900,000 can fund more than 13,000 full day crossing guard shifts?
- Evergreen residents have been walking, jogging, bicycling, etc. -
SAFELY - all along Evergreen for years and stated repeatedly - for TWO YEARS - that we
never asked for THIS
sidewalk, do not need THIS sidewalk - and DO NOT WANT THIS impervious concrete sidewalk!
Why force a slab, when a path will do?
Questions? Call 415-779-4941
CLICK HERE to see residents' alternative proposal
Oh goody! Another blog to complain about the sidewalk. Just what we needed.