Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Evergreen Construction Process Continues

County Takes Up Concrete at 101 Evergreen
County takes up concrete at 101 Evergreen, while more concrete gets poured at the other end of the street. Saw cutting was happening at Scott and Evergreen. Saw a bunch of guys consulting about the Evergreen corner.

According to the HEAR US survey, only a small minority of property owners on the South side supported this project - and quite a few have expressed their displeasure with the lack of process  - most feel they are having this sidewalk forced upon their frontage. "We never asked for this."
I doubt most people really knew what was in store. This definitely is an opportunity to learn. I do my best to remain positive and believe that some good will come out of all this chaos. DPW Engineering staff continues to take the heat, while some property owners continue to look for solutions, some point fingers at each other and express disappointment and anger for the neighbors who lobbied against them or stayed silent. Most people seem to just be finding out about it.

The other day, I came across an elderly couple, who live on the hill. They were trying out the sidewalk. "How do you like it?" I asked. I got an earful about how unhappy they were that so much money was used for something that was so unnecessary, and that it was being built for Marin Horizon School.  "Our kids never needed a concrete sidewalk - they walked on the path."
Have to admit, I was a bit taken aback, because I expected them to be happy about it. As a matter of fact, I found a copy of the Homestead Headlines in the Evergreen SR2S file, which had a story about Homestead Village in it - and Mr. Kinsey told me in March that he viewed the SR2S grant as a funding mechanism - and said he wanted the sidewalk for seniors. 

Overheard in Homestead - An Evergreen property owner on the curve giving praise to Frank Lurz's Letter to the Editor in the IJ :
'Poetic justice'
Cuts in funding for Safe Routes to School? Now, there's poetic justice for you!
Despite a flood of objections from Evergreen Avenue residents in Mill Valley, Safe Routes and the county stamped their feet, held their breath and insisted on blowing over a million dollars of other peoples' money for a half-mile stretch of sidewalk that was never needed.
Cyclists are now forced closer to traffic and the sidewalk, squeezed between property lines and parked cars, is so narrow no one uses it; pedestrians and power chair users are still traveling in the street.
Kids going to Marin Horizon School, Inc., the sidewalk's sole beneficiary, won't use it either. They simply refuse to walk that far.
That money should have been used where it was genuinely needed, but political connections, egos, intransigence and stupidity won the day.
What an unconscionable waste!
Frank Lurz, Mill Valley 

Related Info :
Marin IJ story
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