Friday, July 13, 2012

Evergreen Update

Have you seen the road? 
Petition is up to 200! - and there is an update on it as well.

It is understandable that some rules need to be bent in order to get things done, especially since every project meets some resistance - but this particular impervious slab is a bad idea on so many levels - and County is very vulnerable  to litigation at this point! I honestly believe we will be doing all stakeholders a favor by showing them a way out of this impervious mess  - which is why we have updated the neighborhood recommendations.

Please see below.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

Evergreen Sidewalk Survey

Now that part of the concrete sidewalk is in - how do you like it so far? In order to be mapped properly, please include your name and/or address.

Evergreen Property Owners Speak Out

Pt 1 :
Pt. 2 :
Pt 3 : 
Pt. 4:
Pt. 5 : 

- Well the sidewalk is in in front of our house and we now have a problem - it is higher than our walkway to our front gate and the path leading to the front door. The construction guys just piled up some dirt and some of the gravel we used to have in front of the house and created a very steep dip - problem is it's less than a foot wide, so now we have this sharp angle of dirt and gravel to travel over in and out of our front gate - way too steep an angle! Also the piling up of dirt will be touching our fence, creating rot and termite problems that will be very expensive for us to fix. For us to remedy this we'd have to take down our whole front fence and regrade our entire property!
- Phase One Property Owner


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Evergreen Living Street Proposal Updated

Evergreen concrete sidewalk has been designed and is being built by people that do no live in Homestead or use Evergreen. Not enough community input was received or considered before design.
Therefore, it does not properly consider how the street is currently used. It is an inappropriate design that has the potential to create more problems than it claims to solve.

HEAR US group proposed an alternative low impact plan, based upon feedback from people with the most experience using the street. 
It has recently been updated :  (LINK)